February 11, 2009 - Bone Deep Title Change - Hayden's upcoming movie Bone Deep has been retitled Takers. Speaking to MTV, a Screen Gems representative also commented on the status of the movie in light of news about Chris Brown's recent arrest.
"A representative for Screen Gems told MTV News that Brown's recent troubles have not pushed back the release of the heist flick. The film's name has now been changed to "Takers" and is still planning an early 2010 release." MTV Movie News
February 11, 2009 - Wookie Props for Hayden - Peter Mayhew who played Chewbacca in the Star War's films including Episode III had some nice things to say about Hayden in a recent interview with HEEB magazine.
(About Episode III)
Heeb: "Was that Kenny Baker in the R2 suit again?
Peter: Yes, that was Kenny. [Pauses] Kenny got, uh, credit for it. How much he actually did? [Laughs] But Ewan [McGregor] is great. Hayden [Christensen]? Very, very good actor."
(About his own Fanboy moment)
Heeb: "That’s so funny, especially because you’re used to this whole [convention] scene.
Peter: Yeah. People come up to me, they all go, "Ahh!" I know exactly how they feel. I do the same thing with certain people. But that was wonderful. We had a great time. Another time, I was talking to Hayden and I said to him, ‘Look, this is your chance to enjoy yourself and make a name for yourself.’ Then we were in London for the Episode III [premiere], and Hayden came up and said: ‘What you said to me in Australia has come true. Thank you.’ He is a very nice young man. Hopefully success hasn’t gone to his head." Read more...
I think it's safe to say Hayden has many fans who still think he's a very nice level-headed guy.
February 10, 2009 - For Valentine's Day - Just for you for Valentine's Day to say thank you.
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February 10, 2009 - Teen Vogue's Fav Valentine's Day Couples - Thanks to Naomi from Teen Vogue for writing in to let us know that Hayden and Rachel are among the favorite celeb couples chosen by them in honor of Valentine's Day.
"Satisfy your cravings for something sweet without risking a cavity! In honor of Valentine's Day, check out our picks for the 10 most stylish celebrity couples. Get ready to believe in love!" (Teen Vogue) Click here for Slideshow
Hayden Christensen and Rachel Bilson

February 9, 2009 - Another Rumored Project - Hayden has been mentioned in the cast of the upcoming George Hickenlooper (Factory Girl) directed "Bagman" which is currently in active development. According to Production Weekly (November 13, 2008), the movie being produced by Moonstone Entertainment is a docudrama about Washington corruption based on real events covering the Jack Abramoff scandal. Also listed in the cast is Matt Dillon.
IMDB has a listing for Bagman. Distribution is by Hannibal Pictures and the Paradigm Agency.
Story Synopsis:
Jack Abramoff was one of Washington's most powerful Republican Lobbyists with access to the halls of Congress and George W. Bush's Oval Office. Then he was implicated in murder and corruption charges which would result in the biggest Washington scandal since Watergate.
February 9, 2009 - Mona Lisa at European Film Market - Handmade Flms has listed it's upcoming film "Mona Lisa" at the European Film Market as part of the 2009 Berlin International Film Festival going on from February 5 - 15, 2009.
Handmade Films International
"Mona Lisa," Thriller, Crime. Development.
Producer: Handmade Films.
Director: Larry Clark.
Cast: Hayden Christiansen.
"In New York city, an ex-con is having difficulty fitting back into the criminal underworld and takes a job as the driver for a high priced escort - a woman who lures him into certain danger." Source: Variety
"As the first major film event of the year, it (EFM) is a magnet for international industry professionals, and is seen as a barometer for the upcoming year in film." (Berlinale - European Film Market)
February 7, 2009 - Mona Lisa Update - IMDB has updated it's "Shame" listing and changed the name to "Mona Lisa". Shame was the working title and the IMDB page title for Hayden's rumored upcoming remake of "Mona Lisa". Filming is due to start March 2009 with a release date projected for 2011.
IMDB - Mona Lisa
February 6, 2009 - Doug Liman Talks About Jumper 2 - Doug Liman spoke to Crave Online a couple of months ago about Jumper 2 and some surprise details of what a Jumper Director's Cut might include.
Check out Hayden Fan News Blog for a new article about Jumper 2 set to film April 27, 2010 and a hoped for release in 2011.
Hayden Christensen Fan New Blog
Crave Online with Doug Liman

February 4, 2009 - New York, I Love You Update - We've all been wondering why there hasn't been more buzz or promotion for Hayden's upcoming movie, "New York, I Love You". It had been scheduled for a February 13, 2009 release date. A few movie databases started showing a "Spring 09" release date a while back which seems to be likely now. IMDB now shows an April 10, 2009 date and limited release.

February 3, 2009 - New York, I Love You Cast Mention - Larry Levy New VP, Theatrical Distribution, for Vivendi
"Levy will be responsible for all aspects of theatrical distribution for Vivendi Entertainment. The company, one of the most sought-after independent home entertainment distributors, last year expanded into theatrical distribution. Since then, VE has been recognized by the industry as an important newcomer. The company's next release is New York, I Love You, the latest in the "Cities of Love" series kicked off by Paris, Je T'aime last year. New York, I Love You boasts an A-list cast including Hayden Christensen, Chris Cooper, Ethan Hawke, Natalie Portman, Orlando Bloom, Christina Ricci, Shia LaBeouf, Julie Christie and James Caan to name just a few." Press Release
February 2, 2009 - Hayden Christensen Movie Rumor - Bloody Disgusting posted on January 31, 2009 a story that Horror Movies.ca picked up yesterday about a new horror movie in development by Boom Studios called 'TAG' in which Hayden is rumored to be in talks for a starring role. According to Bloody Disgusting sources, Relativity Media has fast tracked the film for production. Sources also reveal Simon Crane (2nd Unit Director, Associate Producer Jumper) is rumored to direct.
According to the sources, the story in that creepy tradition of "The Ring", centers around an horrifying curse.
"When an average joe strolls down the street after a fight with his girlfriend, a random stranger TAGS him, handing off an ancient pagan curse! Now he's literally dead – and rotting – as he sees his body begin to decompose every day before his very eyes. Cursed, he must either surrender, or find the next victim to TAG…"
Interest in adapting the Boom Studios comic series to film first began in 2006 at Universal Studios. The film is being produced by Marc E. Platt (Wanted, Legally Blond, Rachel Getting Married) According to IMDB the film is in development with a due date of 2012.
Go to TAG Comic Series

February 2, 2009 - Site Updates - TV Alerts have been updated and a link to Hayden Fan News YouTube Channel has been added to the video section. You can find both in the left column.
February 1, 2009 - Hayden back in Los Angeles - It's nice to see Hayden again after a long absence. Hayden is pictured below with Rachel Bilson in Sherman Oaks, California on Saturday January 31, 2009.
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Photo from Celebutopia