November 29, 2009 - New York, I Love You - Japan - The Official Japanese website for the film is online with limited features at the moment. New York, I Love You will debut in Japan February 20, 2010. Other upcoming release dates are listed below. Some people are also wondering when NYILY will be released in Canada. According to one poster on IMDB, the movie just began showing at the Cumberland Cinema in Toronto. It may be a very limited run so see it soon and check for changes to their schedule.
I've added the Cumberland Cinema info below:
Cumberland Cinema: As of November 29, 2009 - Cumberland (Alliance)
159 Cumberland St. (at Avenue Rd.), Toronto - Sun, Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu: 1:50, 4:40, 7:30, 10:10
Norway - 26 December 2009
Singapore - 31 December 2009
France - January 2010
Germany - 28 January 2010
Japan - 20 February 2010
Belgium - 24 February 2010
Click for Official Japanese Webesite for NYILY

November 29, 2009 - "New York I Love You" Reviews - Something for everyone to love about "New York I Love You". Hayden's brief short story in the film gets some positive mentions in the following reviews.
November 27, 2009 - Jam! Showbiz - "Case in point: Chinese director Jiang Wen, whose tale of a young pickpocket (Hayden Christensen) and an older one (Andy Garcia), who spar at sleight-of-hand over the attentions of the old pro's mistress (Rachel Bilson), could have been a Scorsese throwaway.
November 26, 2009 - City TV - Toronto - "Other intriguing moments include a thief (Hayden Christensen) being outsmarted by an older man (Andy Garcia) yet still getting the girl (Rachel Bilson), a young musician (Orlando Bloom) who needs a muse (Christina Ricci) to help him focus on finishing the score he's working on, and a cute older couple (Cloris Leachman and Eli Wallach) celebrating their anniversary."
November 26, 2009 - National Post - "The opening segment is a jittery but fun bit in which a pickpocket (Hayden Christensen) and his mark (Andy Garcia) try to out-machismo each other over a woman (Rachel Bilson)."
November 26, 2009 - - "Likewise, the strong cast delivers a number of moving turns, especially [Irrfan] Khan, Maggie Q, Chris Cooper, Ethan Hawke and Hayden Christensen (seriously)."
November 25, 2009 - Michigan's Wrapped Films - "Vanishing on 7th Street has been added to the Michigan Film Office's list of films that have officially wrapped production in the state. Vanishing on 7th Street filmed for about 5 weeks in Detroit and Stars Hayden Christensen, Thandie Newton and John Leguizamo. Source: Michigan Film Office
November 25, 2009 - Giving Thanks - There is always something to be grateful for. Hayden Christensen Fan News is 3 years old this month. I'm grateful to everyone who has helped with the site over the years in whatever way you were able. From sending images or news or an encouraging word and visiting every day. It is all very much appreciated. I hope everyone together with your families and friends all have a very Happy Thanksgiving.
Click to Enlarge

November 21, 2009 - Actors Vanishing on 7th Street - One by one the cast is tweeting their goodbyes and vanishing from the set of Hayden's latest project. It's either very creepy or kind of like the Sound of Music children saying so long, farewell, auf weidersehen, goodnight.
From Twitter:
Jacob Latimore - Wrapped up Vanishing on 7th Street. on the way to Milwaukee for Thanksgiving and back to Atlanta
November 20, 2009 - Animal Actors on the Set - Taylor Groothuis and Jacob Latimore from the cast of Vanishing on 7th Street pictured below on the set with Nelson the police horse.
From Twitter:
Kathy Bovenschen - 'Vanishing On 7th Street' starring Hayden Christensen | Animal Actors | ON THE SET! (PHOTOS)
Jacob Latimore and Taylor Groothuis (click to enlarge)
November 20, 2009 - News in Brief
Daily Variety - Circle expands TV presence - Firm inks first-look deal with Fox TV - David Alpert, David Engel and Lawrence Mattis run Circle of Confusion, which focuses on properties in the sci-fi, comicbook and videogame realm.
20th exec veep Jennifer Nicholson Salke said she was interested in Circle of Confusion's taste and clients, "which is very much in line with the Fox brand." "We were impressed by all of the material they control," she said. "They've got a great library of ideas and graphic novels and comicbooks."
Circle of Confusion is currently producing the feature "Vanishing on Seventh Street," starring Hayden Christensen. Shingle also has the J.J. Abrams film "Diamond Heist" at Paramount and Joel Silver's "Shadow 19" at Warner Bros. The company's Steve Buscemi/Sarah Silverman starrer "St. John of Las Vegas" is also due out next year. - John Leguizamo Onstage - When we caught up with Leguizamo last week, he was in Detroit, where he was preparing for a night shoot for the film "Vanishing on 7th Street" with Hayden Christensen and Thandie Newton.
November 20, 2009 - Movie Star Poodle Meets Darth Vader - A Dog's Life - Bunny, a talented white standard poodle, is probably the envy of a lot of girls right now. She got to meet and work with Hayden on the set of Vanishing on Seventh Street. Yes, the movie is still shrouded in secrecy but a couple of little details come to light about the movie in the article about Bunny's day on the set.
From Ann
On the evening of November 8th, Bunny found her self on a darkened street, in Darth Vader's arms...
In October and early November, my Ann Arbor company, Mup Mups Animal Actors, was hired to work on the film "The Vanishing on 7th Street" in Detroit.
"Vanishing" is directed by Brad Anderson (of the TV show "Fringe") and stars Hayden Christensen (the young Darth Vader in the recent "Star Wars" sagas), John Leguizamo (Henri-Toulouse Latrec in "Moulin Rouge") and Thandie Newton (Makemba "Kem" Likasu in the TV show "ER") as survivors in a world where shadowy figures appear and human beings disappear.
The plot is so hush-hush, even I was not given a script (which we usually have so that we can break down the animal action as required). We had to train on-set for both animals, which can be a real challenge, no matter how simple the action seems (to the director or crew) or how good a trainer you are!
....The script called for her to walk around from one mark to another, seemingly easy stuff. But when I, Pat and her daughter Danielle Sugai got there, we were asked to add a few other behaviors to make the scene more realistic. This happens nearly every time I get to set with one of my animal actors! So I am always ready with my cooked garlic chicken (which I raise myself on my little farm next to the Pittsfield Preserve in Pittsfield Township).
So...on the one hand, Bunny is only 1.5 years old and prone to bouts of random silliness. On the other hand, poodles are one of the smartest breeds. We were pretty sure she could do it.
Bunny had other ideas...
When the prop guys finished readying the set, we were allowed to work with her right there, where she would be (rummaging through broken-open grocery bags with cans and boxes spilled out on the ground and shoes and clothing scattered around- because the people had vanished).
Bunny seemed to be channeling Marilyn Monroe, who had a penchant for doing things her own way, much to the consternation of her directors. Despite our efforts and the yummy bait, she went around, saying "Hi" to the crew, sniffing the props, eating some of the chicken and generally being a goofball.
At one point, a crew member, wearing a hoodie over his head and a variety of unusual-looking flashlight devices on the front of his clothing, came over to meet her and ask her name. He knelt down, hugged and pet her for quite a while. "Why all the lights?" Pat asked. He smiled and said, "Oh, I just like flashlights."
I said, "You look like a Star Wars character!" A few minutes later, in better lighting, I took a good look at Bunny's biggest fan, who was still doting on her. "Are you Hayden?" I asked him. "Yes, I am!" he said.
" Well," I said, "I was kind of just kidding before but I guess you really were, like, the coolest Star Wars character- ever! " (besides Han Solo). It was nearly impossible to recognize him with his hoodie and makeup, which I'd say is true for most actors I've worked with, including Hllary Swank.
The cameras were set up. "ROLLING!" Brad yelled.
Pat released Bunny from stage right (the left side of the frame). Dragging her leash, Bunny went all the way into the set, to the bags, rummaged. Showed her good side. Did it right. For a whole minute that seemed to last forever. I silently counted the seconds from the sidelines.
Danielle, standing next to me, at stage left (the right side of the frame) and I were cued via Walkie Talkie to call the dog. We yelled, "BUNNY!" Up shot her head. Exactly what they wanted. Bunny looked around. Exactly what they wanted!
What was going on?! She was perfect! Then we called ", come!" and she sauntered off in our direction. Hayden runs into the scene, rummaging through the bags himself. Perfection. Another take. Perfect again. No mistakes.
"CUT!" Brad yelled. "Moving on!" which meant, basically, that the dog was "wrapped!"
Ah, yes, the Force was strong in Bunny that night......

November 20, 2009 - Site Down Due to Outage - My web host had a power outage last night and had to shut down operations so I was unable to update anything. Stay tuned. I will be adding news shortly if there are no further problems.
November 18, 2009 - Vanishing on 7th Street - So maybe Vanishing on Seventh Street filming hasn't disappeared just yet from Detroit. Jacob Latimore another young co-star on the set has tweeted briefly about filming. He was on the set with Hayden yesterday and it sounds like they are getting close to filming their last scenes for the movie. At least it does seem like the actors are vanishing one by one.
Jacob Latimore - On set chillin in the trailer about 15 hours ago - from web
Jacob Latimore - OH yeah i was at the movie shoot last night. Hayden Christensen gave me a xbox 360. it might be nothing to some people but..... about 17 hours ago - from web
Jacob Latimore - A xbox 360, Great gift. about 17 hours ago - from web
Jacob Latimore - Last day of shooting. Gonna miss everybody. about 18 hours ago - from web
November 18, 2009 - Vanishing on Seventh Street a Wrap? - Has the set darkened on Hayden's current movie filming in Detroit? According to John Leguizamo, Vanishing on 7th Street wrapped filming late last night or early morning.
JohnLeguizamo - "thandie newton just wrapped our flick onward + upward" - about 8 hours ago from mobile web

November 17, 2009 - Vanishing on 7th Street Coming Soon - Circle of Confusion, the production company for Vanishing on Seventh Street updated it's website recently and, as I posted last night, has a teaser poster featuring Hayden. (Well, for us fans anyway, it's definitely a teaser.) The other teaser image is below. The teaser images are links but don't go anywhere yet but says coming soon. We can't wait.
Hayden's five week shoot on Vanishing on Seventh Street is coming to a close in Detroit. The movie is due out in 2010.
Click for Circle of Confusion Website

November 16, 2009 - First Teaser Poster for Vanishing on 7th Street - From production company Circle of Confusion, here is the first poster for the movie featuring a vanishing Hayden Christensen.
Click to Enlarge

November 13, 2009 - Wide Open Spaces - Two new pictures, including one with Hayden, from the filming of 'Vanishing on 7th Street' and a story from The Detroit Free Press about the hauntingly beautiful imagery the city of Detroit has provided for the film.
"The citizenry suddenly vanishes in a new Hayden Christensen thriller being shot in Detroit"
Click to Enlarge

"A neon sign for a bar called Sonny's glows in the night at an intersection in southwest Detroit. The cars in the street are parked haphazardly. The sidewalks are scattered with pieces of clothing, oddly enough.
Suddenly, a man and a woman run tentatively away from the bar. "Keep up," says Hayden Christensen, who's best-known for playing Anakin Skywalker in two "Star Wars" prequels. He's talking to Thandie Newton, star of "Crash" and "Mission Impossible II."
The actors are working on a scene for "Vanishing on 7th Street," an independent movie that has aspects of a psychological thriller and a horror film.
The story involves a blackout and the mysterious disappearance of a city's population. Five remaining people must try to figure out what they're up against.Detroit will play itself in the film. For this scene, the crew has turned an existing building on Junction Street into the exterior of a tavern.
The movie, which has a budget of around $10 million, needed a setting that would evoke the right look and feel for the subject matter. After considering locations in Iowa, Washington, New York and Canada, the filmmakers chose metro Detroit for creative reasons and for Michigan's generous tax breaks for filmmaking.
"The city is such a character in the way we're shooting the movie," says producer Celine Rattray. "The city looks a combination of beautiful and, at times, haunting. We hope that it portrays Detroit in a beautiful light." Read the rest....
November 12, 2009 - Latest Tweets - Taylor says farewell - Taylor said goodbye to the Vanishing on 7th Street cast and crew but we look forward to seeing her in the movie with Hayden which is expected to be out next year.
Taylor Groothuis - "..the other cast and GREAT crew. Special thanks to Mr. Brad Anderson, such an awesome director! Thanks to everyone! Luv, Taylor"
Taylor Groothuis - "WRAPPED on "Vanishing on 7th St." Sad to be done, but made great friends w/ Hayden Christensen, Thandie Newton, and Jacob Latimore. Also...!"
November 11, 2009 - Who Is Influencing You? - "We don't spend a lot of time thinking about who or what influences us, so here's a little test for all the teens out there: When you pick out an outfit in the morning before school, in the back of your mind is it your parents and dear Aunt Elsie you are thinking about or that Hayden Christensen or Jessica Alba lookalike who sits in front of you in biology class?" Read all...
November 11, 2009 - On the Set of Vanishing on 7th Street - For Marisa Gaggino it was take-your-child-to-work day. Marisa owns an architectural and artifacts salvage company that is also finding work in the Michigan film industry supplying props for movie sets.
"I've had in the salvage business and this movie racket might be the salvation for this old city afterall. Today I got to take my 10 year-old Wyatt downtown to to see the big action on the set of "Vanishing on 7th Street" and there on the street scene is the old Heritage Co. Sign they rented, and a neon sign of ours too, sweet. All that equipment, cranes and trucks, fake sidewalks and lights, people running around talking into headsets all in an old Detroit parking lot. We loved it. I dropped my sign off to them yesterday with the help of my painter friend David King. It just so happened they were painting the store fronts just then and gee could they use a muralist. So I dropped off David too and today admired his quick work painting David Bowie and Joey Ramone on the "record store"." Read more...
November 11, 2009 - Vanishing on 7th Street Tweets -
Production and filming on Vanishing on 7th Street is expected to continue through Thanksgiving but the littlest cast member is saying her farewells and will be moving on to another role. We want to take the opportunity to thank Taylor and her mom for all the updates on the movie and letting us share a little bit of her excitement about working with Hayden and the rest of the cast on Vanishing on 7th Street.
Taylor Groothuis - "On the set of "Vanishing" with Hayden C. and Thandie Newton. She is beautiful, kind, and SUCH a great actress! Fun night...!"
Taylor Groothuis - "Update!!! Tomorrow, last shoot day on "Vanishing.." SO SAD! LOVE those people! Then Sunday I start "A Year in Mooring" in Traverse City!!!"
November 11, 2009 - Lacoste French Open - Pictures of Hayden from the 2009 French Open at the Tennis Club de Paris added to the gallery.
Lacoste French Open Gallery

November 11, 2009 - Tennis Adventures Lacoste Challenge Cup - Tennis Adventure held it's Lacoste Challenge Cup Tournament November 6 - 8 at the Pinamar Tennis Resort and Spa. A couple of the participants took pictures with Hayden's Lacoste Challenge Billboard.
Tennis Adventure - "Hello! We thank the 260 people who participated and shared this very good weekend for our Tennis Tournament "Lacoste Challenge Cup, along with our prestigious team Sponsors. A true record, 200 players and players delighted us with a very high level of tennis ... where no further ...missed the camaraderie, the good mood, creativity, fun ... a feast of tennis!"
Click for larger image

November 10, 2009 - TV Listings Updated - Check the left side bar for an updated television schedule of Hayden's movies. You can see Hayden in Virgin Territory on Starz and Starz in Demand all month. Awake, Jumper and The Virgin Suicides are also listed.
November 10, 2009 - New York, I Love You at Moonlight Cinema - Every spring in Sydney movie-goers look forward to the Ford Fiesta Moonlight Cinema which presents a schedule of classic, cult and new release films under the stars. The outdoor festival takes place from December 3 to March 14 at the Belvedere Amphitheatre in Centennial Park for the ultimate outdoor movie viewing.
Among the movies on the program are: the Sydney premiere of Nowhere Boy, the story of Beatles legend John Lennon's childhood starring Kristin Scott Thomas and Aaron Johnson, and on March 14, James Cameron's sci-fi thriller, Avatar.
"Valentine's Day will again be a season highlight, with the premiere of New York, I Love You, the incredible anthology of stories from some of our most celebrated filmmakers. Set in one of the most loved cities in the world, New York, I Love You features an impressive ensemble of stars including Orlando Bloom, Natalie Portman, Ethan Hawke, Andy Garcia, Blake Lively and Hayden Christensen to name just a few." Read more...
November 10, 2009 - Vanishing on 7th Street at AFM - The Hollywood Reporter's Steven Zietchik spoke to IM Global CEO Stuart Ford at the American Film Market about the international market and expectations for his company's slate of films. The interview gives some insight into the company behind Hayden's new project Vanishing on 7th Street.
THR: Do buyers continually say to you they want another "Paranormal," whether with Oren's next movie or with any other project?
Ford: Buyers are extremely savvy, and expectations about another "Paranormal," when it comes to any movie, are sensible. We're in a climate where people are looking for sensibly budgeted and commercially viable films. Ninety-nine% of buyers are not looking for the next "Paranormal Activity."
THR: You had a strong Toronto with the sales success of the Tom Ford awards-contender "A Single Man," and you have a number of high-profile projects in the market at AFM this year -- Brad Anderson's "The Vanishing on 7th Street," Will Ferrell's "Everything Must Go" and Liam Neeson's "Afterlife," to name a few of them. What do you think happens to these movies and the market in general coming out of AFM?
Ford: We've had a lot of strong sales and are very confident in all of our pictures. Overall, it's absolutely been a wild ride but I think it's a fascinating time of evolution in the business both commercially and technologically, and I think we have to keep that in mind when we evaluate anything. We have to remember just how early we are in that evolution. Read full article....
November 9, 2009 - Vanishing on 7th Street Tweets
Jordan Trovillion - Had a great time working on "Vanishing of 7th Street" with John Leguizamo today. *namedrop namedrop*
STAR AND CEO - Just made in to the movie set for vanishing on 7th. street should be out this year. John Leguizamo,Hayden Christensen, and the STAR AND CEO. Nov 9th from UberTwitter
Shawntay Dalon - Today I shoot with Hayden Christensen and Thandie Newton!!! for new film "Vanishing on the 7th. Thank you Jesus!! Nov 9th from web
Adam DeFilippi - Working on "Vanishing on 7th Street" today. Nov 9th from web
Holli81 - Movie being filmed is "Vanishing on 7th Street". Hayden Christenson is in it. Nov 8th from TweetDeck
JaredDetroit - They just lit a car on fire outside our loft in Detroit. Filming of "Vanishing on 7th Street". Awesome! - Nov 8th from TweetDeck
November 8, 2009 - Vanishing on 7th Street Updates - Taylorkg tweets that photos aren't being allowed on the set because it's a total secret. I guess they don't want to take the chance of giving away any hints about the movie's story just yet.
November 8, 2009 - Vanishing on 7th Street Filming - Filming continues today in Dearborn Michigan according to one poster on IMDB. Hayden is on the set as is Taylor Groothuis who shoot scenes together today. Taylor is updating about filming today by way of her Taylorkg Twitter page. She'll try to get a pic with Hayden and other cast memebers for her Twitpic so check it out later today .

November 5, 2009 - Cast Updates for Vanishing on 7th Street - IMDB has updates to the cast for Hayden's latest movie. The movie is under wraps for the time being and details on the mysterious thriller are a closely guarded secret. Filming continues this month in Detroit.
Among the cast is Taylor Groothuis who plays Briana in the film. Taylor is a Michigan native with a budding acting career who has several scenes with Hayden in Vanishing on 7th Street. You can find out more about Taylor in her detailed resume on IMDB.

Latest casting details:
Hayden Christensen ... Luke
John Leguizamo
Thandie Newton
Jacob Latimore ... James
Jordan Trovillion ... Concession Girl
Arthur Cartwright ... The Security Guard
Taylor Groothuis ... Briana
November 5, 2009 - Vanishing on 7th Street Production - A new production site has a listing for Hayden's new project Vanishing on 7th Street. Octane is the genre arm of IM Global which is involved in the production of Action, Fantasy and Horror films worldwide.

November 5, 2009 - IM Global launches Octane with Brad Anderson thriller - International Sales Company IM Global introduces it's Octane genre arm of sales and production at the American Film Market. IM Global's Octane will launch with Brad Anderson's The Vanishing on 7th Street at AFM currently underway in Santa Monica, California. Vanishing on Seventh Street with Hayden Christensen is filming in Detroit through November.
"Shooting is underway on the Herrick Entertainment and Plum Pictures story starring Hayden Christensen, Thandie Newton, and John Leguizamo.
The story centres on an apocalyptic horror that engulfs the world following a mysterious blackout and is produced by Norton Herrick, Celine Rattray and Tove Christensen." Read more...
Vanishing on 7th Steet Listing for AFM

November 5, 2009 - New York, I Love You Reviews - A mixed bag but not bad
VC Reporter - An impressive ensemble of budding young stars (including Shia LaBeouf, Bradley Cooper, Blake Lively, Orlando Bloom, Hayden Christensen and Rachel Bilson) and veteran presences (Chris Cooper, Ethan Hawke, Andy Garcia and Christina Ricci) made New York, I Love You an interesting proposition. Would it be a brilliant, quirky indie romance riffing on the (admittedly amorphous, but always appealing) theme of "Love in the City"? Or would it be a post-Woody Allen retread, sinking under the weight of its own bloated pretensions?
The result, especially if the characters were played as cliches, could have been spectacularly banal. But the film has so many intriguing moments that keep it afloat and capture the essence of these diverse characters - even if it's only for an instant. A pickpocket nabs the wallet of a wealthy bar owner, then gets heisted himself by the same man. A high school senior gets dumped by his girlfriend, is cajoled into taking a wheelchair-bound girl to prom, then realizes it's the best night of his life.
Row Three - The strength of the film lies almost completely with its actors. Since this is an ensemble film that is almost completely dialogue driven and the vignettes are so short with minimal locales, there's very little for the director to do but point the camera at his/her actors and see what comes of it. Thankfully these actors have their hearts into the emotional mood of the script and are clearly passionate about what is being attempted. Sure there's going to be the Hayden Christensen haters out there that will want to get up and leave the theater within the first five minutes as he and Rachel Bilson are reunited (after their stint together in Jumper) alongside Andy Garcia in which the two males go fisticuffs in a game of wits and masculinity to win the heart of said looker. Ironically, while Hayden just can't seem to find the acting groove these days, this is actually one of the more intense and fun shorts in the entire series - probably in this author�s personal top three.
411 Mania - Jiang Wen - This strange short has a young man named Ben meeting a girl in a bar. He has a cell phone she left behind, and starts a conversation that is interrupted by her boyfriend. Wen instills a rather slick methodology here that I dug, and Garcia and Christensen have a solid chemistry as foes.

November 3, 2009 - Mixed Review for New York, I Love You - There have been a lot of mixed reviews on NYILY. There are eleven shorts in one movie so I guess it's inevitably going to be hard to please everyone. This critic did have some positive comments though.
"The movie does feature a stellar cast, with the likes of Bradley Cooper, Shia LaBeouf, Andy Garcia, James Caan, Natalie Portman, Rachel Bilson, Ethan Hawke, Orlando Bloom, Hayden Christensen and many more, all giving solid performances." Source
November 3, 2009 - Filming Continues on Vanishing on 7th Street - Looks like production on Hayden's latest movie project will continue through Thanksgiving according to the request for interns from the Michigan Film Office. "This is an unpaid position. Interested applicants must commit for the duration of project, which will be thru Thanksgiving. Please send resume and cover to:"
One person on Twitter is getting his fair share of being near some of the movies filming in Detroit. I can imagine it's a big distraction working in an office building where the gun fire and explosions of Red Dawn filming can be heard outside your window. Next it's Vanishing on 7th Street and I wonder what's the effect of working near the filming of a dark paranoid thriller or maybe it just got a little too quiet. :))
"Theodrake (Ed Bruce) - #detroit Now filming "Vanishing on 7th Street" outside my office. - less than a minute ago from Seesmic - TheodrakeEd Bruce"
November 2, 2009 - Gene Shalit is Smitten with New York, I Love You - Gene Shalit loves NYILY in this video review on Hulu. Hayden isn't featured in the video but you can watch the entire review by clicking on the link below.
NYILY Review on Hulu
The Today Show
Critic's Corner - "Eleven movies by eleven directors and you can see 'em all at one time with one ticket when you treat yourself to New York, I Love You.
Directors and writers and actors from three continents fuse eleven separate stories with overlapping characters into a profusion of pleasures startled with surprises.
Funny, touching, smart, desperate, sexy, amusing, sly, hopeful, with surprise after surprising surpirse, these heaven eleven almost make me want to "borough" into New York. I love, New York, I Love You." (Gene Shalit)