Go Back - February 2010 Archive
March 26, 2010 - Vanishing on 7th Street at Cannes - Vanishing on 7th Street has been added to the lineup at the 2010 Cannes Film Market. Hayden stars alongside Thandie Newton and John Leguizamo in this apocalyptic thriller directed by Brad Anderson. No definite release date has been announced but is projected to hit theaters sometime in 2010. Source

March 23, 2010 - Prove You're A Taker - Takers goes viral with it's Facebook interactive game where you choose 5 of your most trusted friends to join your crew. Are you ready for what comes next?
Movieviral.com accepted the challenge and gives a hint of what to expect if you participate. Takers stars Hayden Christensen, Matt Dillon, Paul Walker, Zoe Saldana and Idris Elba in the John Luessenhop directed heist drama coming to theaters August 20, 2010.
March 22, 2010 - Someone had a nice day - Luisana Rocha got a pleasant surprise at work today when she had her picture taken with Hayden.
From Twitter:
Roschelys - OMG!!! I just meet Hayden Christensen!!!!!!! He sooo hotttt!!!! And polite ;) about 1 hours ago via Tweetie
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March 22, 2010 - Takers - Assemble Your Crew - I just received a Sony Email Newsletter this afternoon with Takers news. The "Takers" virtual feature has launched on Facebook. To take the challenge, visit the Official Takers Website. New screencaps of Hayden from the official website below.
Get your crew. Do the job. Be a Taker.
It takes a lot of cash to live the life of style and class. If you can't make it then you've got to take it. Do you have what it takes? This is it. The heist is going down now. You need to get a crew together ASAP. Pick five of your Facebook friends and assign them their roles for this job. Make sure you can trust them. Got it? Good. 'Cause it's time to prove you have what it takes. It's time to prove you're a taker.
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March 21, 2010 - Mandalay Vision's Upcoming Films Hayden's Vanishing on 7th Street is one of many films included in Mandalay Vision's upcoming production slate. The newly formed indie company is part of Mandalay Entertainment Group.
"Mandalay Vision is the newly minted indie development, production and financing arm of Mandalay Entertainment Group. Its slate includes "The Kids Are All Right," starring Julianne Moore, Annette Bening and Mark Ruffalo and purchased at Sundance by Focus; "Vanishing on 7th Street," an apocalyptic horror pic starring Hayden Christensen, Thandie Newton and John Leguizamo; and "Soul Surfer," based on the autobiography of surfer Bethany Hamilton, starring Dennis Quaid, Helen Hunt and Carrie Underwood." Source and Source 2
March 21, 2010 - Vanishing on 7th Street Reshoots - Reshoots continued on March 16th on Hayden's latest film, Vanishing on 7th Street. John Leguizamo was on hand for a one day pick-up shoot with Hayden's double standing in at other times during the week. Pictured below are Director Brad Anderson with "Bitter Feast" D.P. Michael McDonough at work on a night scene from March 16, 2010. Independent filmmaker Larry Fressenden appeared in a cameo in the reshoot. Source
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March 18, 2010 - Hayden is a Human Dictionary - Rachel Bilson hits the cover of Cleo Magazine this month which also includes an interview. Rachel was asked about Hayden and something the interviewer had read about him. Source
Cleo: We read a very funny comment about Hayden, saying that people need a dictionary when they read his interviews.
Rachel: Yeah, he's very, very articulate. He has a wide vocabulary and he's quite a clever guy. There are definitely things where I'll be like, 'I don't know what you're talking about right now' or 'What does that word mean?!'. We definitely have that every so often.
Cleo: So he's a human dictionary for you?
Rachel: Exactly! (laughs)
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March 17, 2010 - Happy St. Patrick's Day - St. Paddy's Day Goodies.....
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March 17, 2010 - St. Patrick's Day Blessings - From the bottom of my half Irish heart I wish you all a Happy St. Paddy's Day. Well, who isn't just a little bit Irish today. LOL My Irish grandmother married a Frenchman and she used to tell me stories about Jean Lafitte's treasure buried in her back yard. What can I say. I had a colorful upbringing. It's also our wedding anniversary today and celebrating many years of marriage so it really is a beautiful spring day.
Irish Blessings Just for You
May you always find blue skies above your head,
shamrocks beneath you feet,
laughter and joy aplenty, kindness from all you meet,
good friends and kin to miss you if ever you choose to roam,
and a path that's been cleared by angels themselves
to carry you safely home.

March 10, 2010 - Vanishing on 7th Street Screening - Jesse Averna the editor on Vanishing has been tweeting about the long hours he has been working this week. When asked what he was working on he posted a link to IMDb for Vanishing on 7th Street. Then minutes ago he posted this:
Dr0id - @theriotisover tonight is the final screening. so, crazy prep till then. 7 minutes ago via web in reply to theriotisover - Dr0id - Jesse Averna
March 9, 2010 - Vanishing on 7th Street Expected to Screen at Toronto Film Festival - (Women's Wear Daily) - "British actress Thandie Newton recently completed filming on "Vanishing on 7th Street," which she expects to premiere at the Toronto Film Festival in September." Source
"It's a whole new genre for me," she said of the psychological thriller."
Vanishing on 7th [Seventh] Street stars Hayden Christensen, Thandie Newton, John Leguizamo, Taylor Groothuis and Jacob Latimore.

March 9, 2010 - Quantum Quest: A Cassini Spacy Odyssey Review - Quantum Quest, the animated movie with an all star cast including Hayden, screened at the LA Film Expo a few weeks ago and the Dome event in San Diego on IMAX and regular theater screens. Here's a first look review of the film. Source
Click for the official site

Filmmakers give this production the look and feel of popular sci-fi flicks tweaked with a video game sensibility. It's obviously meant to hit kids where they live, entertainment-wise. And I think it succeeds in making the unmanned craft Cassini pretty cool. Kids will remember that craft by name, they'll get the gist of its mission, and even be able to pick it out of a line up of miscellaneous space craft.
There is some straight science in this edutaining big movie, but it takes a back seat to action. Filmmakers have decidedly sided with keeping their audience in the momentum of space drama. Personally, I would have liked to see more straight academic moments injected. For instance, filmmakers take the time to fly by heavenly bodies and caption them with names. This pause from the tense conflict of the story actually gives great emphasis. I also enjoyed Jon Anderson's (of the band YES) tune which played over the moons of Jupiter. I think the production could have been enriched with more such dramatic-break musical moments.
Technically speaking, the character design is top notch - high quality stuff. Instead of the bad guy being pure evil, he's pure ignorance. I like that. Our heroes are siding with knowledge. It's a great theme to preach. "Free yourself from ignorance - learn!" However, the sport obviously borrowed from the Harry Potter film felt a little too unoriginal. Oh, and the captions appeared too low on the big screen ... couldn't see them over people's heads.
Overall - a pretty cool concept.
March 9, 2010 - Please Welcome Our New Affiliates - Hayden Christensen Fan News site update.
The Fan Carpet - The Fan Carpet was gracious enough to add Hayden Christensen Fan News to their wonderful celebrity website and community and invited us to exhange links. Check it out. (Link in left column under the news section.)
Sweetest Adoration - Good friend Rosie is the owner of Sweetest Adoration, a fansite dedicated to Hayden Christensen and Rachel Bilson. You'll want to visit and check out the news, fan forum and image gallery. (Link in right column under Hayden fansites.)
If you have a fan site or fan page dedicated to Hayden Christensen or related actors and fandoms and would like to become an affiliate contact me (Barbara) at Email: Hayden Christensen Fan News
March 9, 2010 - A Happy Fan is a Very Good Thing - And just because it's too sweet not to share - Some fans got a cool surprise when they got to meet Hayden on the streets of New York City last April and another fan is having a happy birthday this week after a chance meeting with Hayden in Uxbridge and all got pictures with smiling faces to show for it. Thanks to Rosie at Sweetest Adoration for the heads up.
A group of fans (below) pose for pictures with Hayden on the streets of New York City on April 17, 2009. Rachel Bilson and Tove Christensen were also there. Source
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Dani (above right) celebrates her birthday this week and happened to meet Hayden out and about in Uxbridge and asked him for a picture. What a nice birthday treat. You can read the whole story at Dani's Blog
March 3, 2010 - Designer has nice things to say about Hayden and Rachel - Tu Ly, the designer for Hudson's Bay Co. line of Olympic clothing, met Hayden and Rachel while they were in Vancouver for the Olympics and helped them choose some of the popular pieces in the collection to take home. He describes how impressed he was with the down-to-earth couple in the video below. The segment can be found at 6:35 on the video. You might also recognize Emmanuelle Vaugier at the beginning of the clip who played Scott's stepmother in Hayden's tv series Higher Ground. Source
Click Screencap for Video

March 2, 2010 - News Briefs - A couple of small items from around the web.
Project Update - From IMDB - Hayden's rumored project Jax of Heart formerly titled Mandrake has been updated on IMDB. It had been listed as being in Pre-Production but is now listed as Development Unknown. (IMDB Update Feb. 26, 2010)
Vanishing on 7th Street - From Dr0id - oh no. They are using me as a stand in for temp reshooting. I def don't look like Hayden. 12:44 PM Feb 26th via web
March 1, 2010 - Inside the hottest swag suite of the Olympics - "I'm standing in swag epicentre of the 2010 Olympics, or, as it's also known--the Bay's "gift" suite located in the penthouse of the Loden, a luxe boutique hotel discretely off the downtown beaten track. The room is bright and airy, filled with neatly ordered racks of the Bay's official 2010 Olympic branded gear. The scarce red mittens that have become a cult item are piled in a wicker basket."
The popular Hudson's Bay Co. items drew a host of well known Canadians and visitors including....."the Gretzky family, Hayden Christensen, Rachel Bilson, Jon Hamm. The day before the big Canada-US men's hockey final, CNN is filming Canadian actress Emmanuelle Vaugier, best known for her recurring role on Two and a Half Men and Canadian actor Byron Lawson, of Snakes on a Plane fame." Read more....
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February 2010 Archive