Hayden Christensen Outcast movie stills and new behind-the-scenes video.
Another Outcast Album has been added with movie stills featuring Hayden and the rest of the cast including Nicolas Cage, Liu Yifei, Summer Jikejunyi, Andy On, Bill Su, Coco Wang. Also there is a new featurette with Hayden telling about the first time he met Nicolas Cage from IGN on Youtube.
Outcast hits the big screen in China on April 3, 2015 and will be available on Amazon on DVD and Blu-ray on March 31, 2015.
Click either photo below to go to the new Outcast Album.

Hayden Christensen Fan News 90 Minutes in Heaven Album updates.
The latest graphics from 90 Minutes in Heaven have been added to the Gallery. You can find the movie images at 90 Minutes in Heaven on Facebook and get the latest info on Hayden's new movie which will be in theaters in October 2015. You can also sign up for email from the official 90 Minutes in Heaven movie site.

New Outcast preview video with Hayden Christensen.
Here's another Outcast preview video. Outcast will be released in China on April 3, 2015 so the promos are starting again. It's a flood of pics and videos right now because Outcast is also being released theatrically and on DVD and Blu-ray in many countries in the next couple of weeks.
Hayden Christensen - OutcastNew Outcast preview with Hayden. :)
Posted by Haydenfannews- Barbara on Thursday, March 26, 2015
Behind the Scenes on 90 Minutes in Heaven with Hayden Christensen, Kate Bosworth and more.
Giving Films posted a Behind the Scenes video on the making of 90 Minutes in Heaven. It features the cast and the filming of the movie and interviews with Hayden and Kate Bosworth, Michael Polish, Don and Eva Piper. 90 Minutes in Heaven is now in post production. In October 2015, we'll be able to see this special movie that is sure to be inspiring but also unique in that it's production company, Giving Films, will donate all profits of the movie to charities in the US and around the world.
Screencaps album also added. Click the screencaps below to go to the gallery.

VIDEO: Outcast Behind the Scenes with Hayden Christensen on Jacob and Gallain.
Relativity Media's blog I Am Rogue posted a Behind the Scenes exclusive video for Hayden's Character Jacob. Hayden talks about the relationshiop between is character, Jacob, and Nic Cage's character, Gallain. Outcast will be available On Demand and DVD and Blu-Ray on March 31st.
Another Outcast album of movie stills has been added to the Gallery. Click the picture below to go to the gallery.

Hayden Christensen spent hours in daily make-up for '90 Minutes in Heaven' filming.
Kathy Schiffer of Patheos.com, who has interviewed a number of people who had near death experiences, made a set visit during filming of 90 Minutes in Heaven and reported back. She summarizes and compares Pastor Don Piper's death and heaven experience and talks about the movie filming in Atlanta and watching some of Hayden's scenes.
Don Piper Was Dead�and Then He Wasn�t.
“Oh, and the movie! At the time of our media set visit on February 19, filming had been completed only on the hospital scenes, which were grisly, to be sure! Hayden Christensen, in the role of the seriously injured Don Piper, spent hours each day in make-up, preparing to play the role of a broken, bruised patient. We were privileged to watch a little of the live filming, as the stage crew prepared for scenes involving Don'stransport by ambulance to his home. We stood on an unseasonably cold Atlanta afternoon, watching as the film crew worked busily readying a small suburban ranch home with a "Welcome Home, Don!" sign in its front window and an ambulance and stretcher in the driveway.”

The 90 Minutes in Heaven Galery has been updated.

Outcast with Hayden Christensen, Nicolas Cage finally gets a release date in China.
According to the Hollywood Reporter and serveral Chinese articles, Outcast will be released April 3, 2015 in China to coincide with another national holiday. And it may be a different version than other countries got to see when originally released late last year.
It seems that this release of Outcast is being called a special edition of the original. Articles in Chinese media roughly translated about the release are calling it a special edition. The special edition that includes rejection of opium and drugs in general and shows Hayden's character Jacob realizing the error of his ways after living in China and experiencing a different life there. It will show the tragedy that led to his addiction but his strong desire to give it up to win the heart of the princess.
The drug usage in the original version seems to be cited often in current media and may have caused a problem with Chinese censors and so the movie's release could have been delayed for that reason. In conversations with Chinese fans alcohol and drunkeness in Chinese movies don't seem to be as much of a problem but you don't usually see a lot of drugs.
As previously mentioned here, Outcast will be released on DVD and Blu-ray on March 31, 2015 and can be pre-ordered on Amazon.com.
More HQ Outcast Movie Stills added to the gallery with more coming soon.
Click the image below to go to the Outcast Gallery

It's a Wrap for Hayden Christensen, Cast and Crew of 90 Minutes in Heaven.
Kate Bosworth, director Michael Polish and Eva and Don Piper posted to social media their farewells on the final day of filming of 90 Miniutes in Heaven. There was a photo of Hayden with the crew as well and it's goodbye to the mustache. The 23 days of filming ended on schedule in spite of bad weather shutting down production for a few days. The cast and crew are posting that it was a special and positvie experience. 90 Minutes in Heaven is headed for theaters this fall scheduled for an October 16th release date. Let the countdown begin!

Hayden Christensen's Divine Appointment.
Project Casting Atlanta posted audition notices for 90 Minutes in Heaven to take place this weekend. Scenes of heaven with people who knew Don Piper played by Hayden will be filmed today and Sunday March 8th. Kate Bosworth also posted a pic of green screens up on a production lot for crash scene filming. Pictured below is Hayden on set with Don Piper and double/stand-in actor and musician Matthew Eldridge.

Hayden Christensen filming 90 Minutes in Heaven at Trinity Presbyterian Church.
Hayden was dressed in his best 1980's suit to attend church in a scene filmed March 3 for 90 Minutes in Heaven. The filming was reported in the local Buckhead Neighbor Newspaper. Hayden portrays Don Piper in the film about a Baptist Minister who dies and experiences Heaven and comes back to tell about it. Much of Hayden's movie family was on hand for the days shoot. Filming is expected to continue through March 8. More photos in the gallery.

Elizabeth Hunter and Hayden Christensen go to church.
Elizabeth Hunter posted her church day pic with Hayden in their Sunday best from the set of 90 Minutes in Heaven.
Hudson Meek: Hayden Christensen playes my father.
Hudson Meek plays Don Piper's (Hayden's) son Chris in 90 Minutes in Heaven. Filming is wrapping up this week and here's Hudson's cute tribute to Hayden and Anakin / Darth Vader.
Don't want filming to end! #haydenchristensenplaysmyfather #doesthatmakemelukeskywalker @90minutesheaven @taysmithent pic.twitter.com/lH5aVXZ7vu
— Hudson Meek (@HudsonMeek) March 4, 2015
90 Minutes in Heaven with Hayden Christensen and Kate Bosworth scheduled for release October 16, 2015.
According to 90 Minutes in Heaven movie director, Michael Polish, the movie is scheduled for release October 16, 2015. Movie release dates can change sometimes so let's hope everything goes smoothly. Thanks to "Fab" on Twitter for asking a good question of the director so we can starting counting the days to see the movie in theaters.
@Fabcfc as of now 90 Minutes in Heaven is scheduled to be in theaters on October 16, 2015
— Michael Polish (@michael_polish) March 3, 2015
Michael W. Smith talks about working with Hayden Christensen on 90 Minutes in Heaven.
Michael W. Smith was back on the set of 90 Minutes in Heaven last weekend for the final week of filming on the movie. He also did an interview on His Radio and talked about working with Hayden. They had some fun when asked to improvise during one of their scenes together. Watch the video below or skip to the part about Hayden at 7:50 on the counter.
90 Minutes in Heaven's 23 day shoot is scheduled to be finished filming March 8th
Micheal W. Smith Talks About Being a Wedding Singer and Actor from HIS Radio on Vimeo
Something nice about Hayden Christensen.
Rachel Batson posted a picture of Bobby and what Hayden wrote on the Star Wars action figure. She also had some very nice things to say about Hayden so keep reading.
Filming continues on Hayden's latest movie 90 Minutes in Heaven.
Filming continues on Hayden's latest movie 90 Minutes in Heaven. Another picture of Hayden with one of his movie kids is posted below. Bobby Batson who plays Joe Piper looks really happy as he holds up a Star Wars Action figure of Anakin Skywalker taken with the real Anakin Skywalker. Premiere Models and Talent posted the picture of Hayden with Bobby on their Facebook page.