10th Anniversary for Hayden Christensen Fan News.
It's a Happy 10th Anniversary for Hayden Christensen Fan News. (Beginning 10/2006) Hayden is still my #1 favorite actor and I intend to keep sharing all the good news I can find. Thanks for all the fan support over the years. It is always so very much appreciated.
The main website here has been a little inactive the last year while I've been taking care of personal matters but at the same time I've been experimenting with other social media which I find helps to spread the news a little faster. So look for some changes here on the main page coming soon but in the meantime check out Hayden Christensen Fan News on TUMBLR, FACEBOOK, TWITTER, INSTAGRAM and even in China on WEIBO.

Happy First Birthday to Rachel and Hayden's little angel Briar Rose.
Happy Brithday to a special little princess born one year ago on October 29, 2014 to Hayden Christensen and Rachel Bilson. We hope it was a very special occasion and like the good gifts brought to Sleeping Beauty by the fairies, a day filled with beauty, music and love.

Hayden Christensen interview and BTS video for 90 Minutes in Heaven.
In this video interview for the movie 90 Minutes in Heaven, Hayden talks about his experience on the movie and getting to know "the" Don Piper in preparation for his role of portraying the Baptist minster. At the end of the video there is a behind the scenes video of Hayden and Don Piper speaking at the kick-off banquet for the movie. Even though this part of the video is silent, Hayden is particularly animated in the segment using a lot of hand gestures. Wish I could read lips and his sign language. Hayden looked very enthusiastic and happy to be there. You can watch the video below and look for 90 Minutes in Heaven in theaters on September 11, 2015 in the US and Canada. Find a Theater near you at the Official movie website
Hayden about his portrayal of Don Piper
“I got to spend a lot of time with Don Piper, the actual Don, Hayden says with a smile. And it was a privilege and an honor. He was extremely generous with his time and I think really kind of took me under his wing, so to speak. He really gave me the tools I needed to play him and it was really special for me.
It wasn't that I ever wanted to do a Don Piper impersonation but it was very important to me that I get all the subtleties and nuances of who he is right, and be able to honestly capture what he was like at that time in his life, and try my best to inhabit the sort of pain and confinement of what he went through. But it wasn't possible without his guidance.
Don is referred to as the "Minister of Hope". I think that this is a story about hope and I hope that people will leave this film feeling uplifted and feeling better about life as I did when I put down the script the first time.”
90 Minutes in Heaven is not your ordinary Hollywood film production.
All film productions have a bottom line but for the film 90 Minutes in Heaven, that bottom line may not be what you think. Giving Films the production company for 90 Minutes in Heaven will give all of it's share of profits to charity when all is said and done. Charities that bring clean water to rural African communities, help foster children and orphans, transition assistance for former military members and much more will benefit from the profits of the movie. Visit Giving Films for a information on each charity.
Giving Films is dedicated to making quality movies that inspire and motivate with positive messages that bring hope. 90 Minutes in Heaven, the movie based on the best selling book, tells the true story of Don Piper who died in car accident in 1989, experienced heaven and came back to inspire others going through difficult times in their lives. Check out the clips below and in the next posts for a preview of this inspirational story.

90 Minutes in Heaven clip 3: "You're Going to Make it" with Hayden Christensen.
Hayden Christensen with Tyler Case in a scene from 90 Minutes in Heaven. Someone else might need to hear that you understand how they feel if you'll only share it like Don Piper did in this clip.
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90 Minutes in Heaven clip 2: "It's not about you" with Hayden Christensen.
Hayden Christensen as Don Piper with Fred Thompson in a scene from 90 Minutes in Heaven. Refusing to let someone do a kind act for us keeps them from knowing that it is a blessing to care for others.
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90 Minutes in Heaven clip 1: "Find your purpose" with Hayden Christensen.
Hayden Christensen as Don Piper get advice about starting a new congregation in a scene from 90 Minutes in Heaven. What inspires you isn't always your true purpose. God may have other plans.
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Star Wars in True Detective Style.
See this creative Star Wars fan made video from Star Wars Minute which compiles scenes from all six Star Wars movies including Hayden Christensen as Anakin Skywalker to recreate the credits of True Detective.
Anakin climbing the list of most popular baby names.
Hayden Christensen and Jake Lloyd both played Anakin Skywalker in the Star Wars prequels. This year for the first time, the name Anakin has made the list of the top 1000 most popular baby names at No. 957 as documented by US Social Security Administration.
The name Anakin first appeared in George Lucas early draft of the screenplay for Star Wars in 1974. Obi Wan referenced Anakin as Luke's father throughout the original Star Wars trilogy. Finally in 2000 we were introduced to the character of Anakin Skywalker as a young slave boy on Tatooine in Episode I: The Phantom Menace played by Jake Lloyd. The story chronicles his rise and fall in Episodes II: Attack of the Clones and Episode III: Revenge of the Sith as portrayed by Hayden Christensen.
As the Chosen One, Anakin remains a central figure of the Star Wars saga and the quintessential and iconic villian Darth Vader and at the same time an eventual hero destined to bring balance to The Force. Source: Yahoo News

Epic Star Wars scene with Hadyen Christensen makes history.
Hayden Christensen very much wanted to be in the Vader suit when that scene where Anakin transforms into one of history's best known villains was finally filmed. He met every requirement to fit the suit including gaining 25 lbs for the role. It became one of the most memorable moments on the set as more than a 1000 cast and crew gathered to watch the filming of the now iconic scene.

Enjoy this behind the scenes look article about Revenge of the Sith and the rise of Darth Vader from Business Insider
““I went to go pick up Hayden in a golf cart [to bring him to the set] and he insisted to play this,” said McCallum. “He wanted to be in the suit.”
The scene was shot 10 days before principal photography on “Revenge of the Sith” wrapped, and McCallum recalls the incredible sight when he got to the set with Christensen.
“There were about a thousand people on the stage,” he said. “Everyone from the studio. We opened the stage doors and I let four hundred to five hundred people in, as many as we could get in. People were sitting on the floor. George did a couple of takes, Hayden got off [the set], and everyone just came up and touched him."
"Most of these people honestly had gotten into the film business because of ‘Star Wars,’" said McCallum. "It was just a great day.” .”
Rachel Bilson posts pics from the farm in Canada
Hayden Christensen has been working on the heritage home and farm he bought several years ago and now he has a special retreat to get away from the bright lights and big city with Rachel and Briar Rose. Rachel posted a few pics on her instagram about life in the country.