July 2011
July 21, 2011 - 10 Best Scenes For Young Actors - Screen Junkies' top 10 list of scenes for young actors includes two from Star Wars: Episode III, Revenge of the Sith with Hayden Christensen and Natalie Portman.Source: Screen Junkies (Thanks to Ruth for the reminder about this neat article.)
5. "Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith" (2005) This movie has two scenes that make the list of best scenes for young actors. This first one is the scene where Anakin Skywalker (Hayden Christensen) chooses the dark side and helps kill Mace Windu (Samuel L. Jackson). It is a strong moment in the movie made poignant by this young actor.

6. "Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith" (2005) At the end of the movie Padme (Natalie Portman) has her two children and then dies after losing the will to live. The scene itself is incredibly important in the "Star Wars" saga and the emotion Portman uses is extremely intense.

July 19, 2011 - Which Canadian Actor Will Play Captain Canuck in New Movie? - Let the Speculation begin. According to the Hollywood Reporter "Mind's Eye Entertainment has acquired the rights to the classic Canadian comic book superhero, and is developing a live action movie." The project has been in development for awhile and was mentioned in the media a few months ago but it now looks like it will finally be produced as an international feature film.
"No word on which Canadian actor will don head-to-toe in figure-hugging rubber to play the Captain Canuck character, but Canadian-born stars Hayden Christensen, Ryan Reynolds and Ryan Gosling have been rumored as possible leads." Source
Captain Canuck is a Canadian Intelligence Agent who becomes the masked crusader with superhuman strength and speed after contact with extraterrestrials. More information about the upcoming movie could be announced at this week's Comic Con and in August at Fan Expo in Toronto.

Image from Deviant Art
July 18, 2011 - Awake with Hayden Christensen and Jessica Alba Japan Release - As posted back in April, Awake was released in Japan on May 21, 2011. I found a clip with Hayden (Japanese subtitles) on the official Twitter for the movie. According to Warner Brothers the distributor, Awake is scheduled to be released September 7, 2011 on DVD, Blu-ray, rental and On Demand.
July 17, 2011 - The Diplomat with Hayden Christensen Still in Development - [July 9, 2011 - Variety] - According to Variety, Future Film Group has recently liquidated holdings in it's Pepper post production company to focus on financing, production and distribution of feature films setting into motion upcoming plans for the four picture deal made at Cannes in May including "The Diplomat" with Hayden Christensen and Christian Slater.
Future Films sheds post, eyes financing, production
"In Cannes, Future (which also has an office in L.A.) struck a four-picture production deal with U.S. producers Howard Kaplan and John Baldecchi's shingle Fusion Films. Projects on the slate include Stephen Sommers' $12 million-$15 million "Odd Thomas," Randall Wallace's $50 million "Mercenary," toplining Channing Tatum; and Paul McGuigan's $12 million-$15 million espionage thriller "The Diplomat," starring Christian Slater and Hayden Christiansen. The $35 million Julianne Moore starrer "Nicholas North," helmed by Antti Jokinen, is also in the deal."
"Margolis says two of those projects -- "Nicholas North" and "The Diplomat" -- as suitable to be shot in Europe, "where (Future) can provide direct production services. (The projects were a good way) to be able to establish ourselves as a provider of finance to quality productions at a decent level."

July 4, 2011 - Hayden Christensen Mentioned for New Movie - Hayden is one of the actors being considered for the true story of Pete Peterson who lived decades under a cloud of guilt seeking redemption after his involvement in a boating accident near his hometown that killed two people. Peterson was later exonerated in the accident. Las Vegas author Jack Sheehan wrote the screenplay for "Hayden Lake" which was optioned first by Warner Brothers and later by ABC. The movie project has now been picked up by an independent filmmaker and is scheduled to go into production August 15th.
On August 15, 1964 15 year old Pete Peterson and his date were cruising in his dad's Tollycraft boat across Hayden Lake near Coeur d'Alene, Idaho late at night. The boat hit something in the darkness and began sinking and they were picked up by another boater. The next day the community learned shocking news that two 16 year old girls were missing and the wreckage of their 13-foot fiberglass boat was found floating on the lake.
Bad boy Pete Peterson was assumed to be at fault and the suspicion and doubt led him on a decades long search for redemption. He went to Vietnam where he was awarded the Purple Heart and Bronze Star but the cloud continued to hang until 1982 when a diver discovered wreckage exonerating Peterson. Source: Las Vegas Review Journal
More articles on this movie:
Mystery death story headed for big screen
Ryan Page and Christopher Pomerenke to Direct Hayden Lake
Free of blame, but impact of tragedy has lasted decades