MAY 2010
May 27, 2010 - T.I. on Larry King - Takers Clip - T.I. appeared on Larry King Live on May 13th. I think we were all a little preoccupied with Hayden's trip to Brazil at the time. T.I. previewed clips from Takers with Hayden and the whole crew talking about Russians and sheepdogs. Check in at 1:25 on the video where the clips start.

May 27, 2010 - Takers to Premiere at Film Festival - Black Voices Exclusive - Black Voices On Movies has learned that the Screen Gems film Takers will premiere in Miami on the opening night of the American Black Film Festival. The 14th annual American Black Film Festival (ABFF), runs from June 23-26 in Miami. Source
Takers stars Hayden Christensen, Idris Elba, Michael Ealy, Paul Walker, T.I. and Matt Dillon. A very successful and sophisticated group of bank robbers try for one last heist and find their plans interrupted by a cop determined to catch them. Takers is scheduled to for wide release August 20th across the country and then internationally.

May 26, 2010 - Stellar reception for actor Hayden Christensen - (Caras - Magazine - Issue 863 - Year 17 - Number 21) - "Despite his seemingly shy and reserved way, the Canadian actor Hayden Christensen (29) was not slow to mingle with about 300 guests in Brazilian party night of the French brand Lacoste, the Copacabana Palace in Rio."
"Known, among others for the role Anakin Skywalker in the recent filming of Star Wars, Hayden proved to be excited about his first visit to Brazil. "I heard about the beauty of the beaches and the friendliness of the people and I liked everything. Women are very beautiful. Unfortunately I could not explore the city as much as I would have liked, but I have my visa for five years and plan to return," said him. Face of the new fragrance from Lacoste, Challenge, Hayden spoke of his identification with the brand. "I think it promotes a healthy image, brings the value of sport and the importance of being good. And I like to be associated with it," he explained." Source and Source

May 26, 2010 - Video Interview with Hayden in Brazil - Hayden talks about his favorite styles and the style of Star Wars costumes and the empowering feeling of a light saber hanging from his belt and wearing a cape and hood on set when playing the character of Anakin Skywalker. Hayden also mentions he has a couple of films he's developing, one of which is The Shadow Chaser (aka Genesis Code). Source
May 26, 2010 - T.I.'s Song for Takers - T.I. has written and recorded a new song that is reportedly to be included in the Takers soundtrack titled "Yeah Ya Know"(Takers). You can listen to the streaming audio on T.I.'s Official Site. Source (Thanks to Sophie)
"Prison ain't change me, it made me worse. Right, 'Pac? If I want it, I'ma come get it. I ain't asking for it - I'mma take it. We takers," T.I. said in the song outro."
"Takers" which also stars Matt Dillon, Paul Walker, Idris Elba, Michael Ealy, Hayden Christensen, Chris Brown and Zoe Saldana opens in theaters on August 20.
May 25, 2010 - Jacob Latimore on Fox 6 Milwaukee - Hayden's co-star Jacob Latimore has signed with Jive Records the label of Usher and Britney Spears. In an interview with Fox 6 Milwaukee, he also mentioned filming on Vanishing on 7th Street and the advice Hayden gave him on the set for some of their scenes together. A brief on set video is shown during this clip. Hayden's other co-stars in Vanishing on 7th Street are Thandie Newton, John Leguizamo and Taylor Goothuis.
May 24, 2010 - Hayden Christensen on "The Lazarus Effect" - By Hayden Christensen - I recently went on a trip to Africa and came back with the need to get involved and help raise awareness about AIDS. I was familiar with the (RED) campaign and the remarkable work they have done and are currently doing and wanted to be a part of it. One of our initiatives is to raise AIDS awareness through "The Lazarus Effect." This inspiring documentary airs tonight on HBO. If you miss it there, you can see it on YouTube afterwards.
"The Lazarus Effect" addresses one of the world's worst epidemics - AIDS in Africa. It focuses on the transformative effect of antiretroviral medicine and shows us how someone who is severely suffering from AIDS can regain their health in as little as 40 days by simply taking two pills a day that only cost 40 cents. The narrative of the documentary is told from the perspective of patients and doctors who are battling AIDS in their every day life. The story that unfolds in this documentary does not focus on the devastation and despair, but on survival. It shows what the human impact of smart aid programs has been.
Just eight years ago there were only 50,000 people across the continent who could access ARV (antiretroviral) treatment as it cost over $10,000 a year. Treatment was virtually impossible since the majority of people living in Africa make less than $2 a day. At that time, AIDS was a death sentence and more than 6,000 people were dying each day from a preventable and treatable disease. Today, that number has been nearly cut in half. Thanks to the efforts of global health organizations the cost of these pills is less than $158 a year. This means that programs offering aid can afford to get them to the millions of people who are in need.
Three million people are on ARV treatment today in Africa, but there are still millions of people across the continent who don't have access to the basic treatment needed to fight AIDS. They are dying, and the worst part is that treatment is available. This documentary shows what is possible when there is access to treatment.
I hope people watch the documentary and are inspired to help raise funds to support the incredible programs that ultimately save lives. I urge people to visit JOINRED.COM and learn how they can get involved.
Editors note: More than 20 million people have died of HIV/AIDS in Africa, despite the fact it is now a preventable and treatable disease. "The Lazarus Effect" campaign features dozens of celebrity artists helping to raise awareness of the value of 40 cents - the cost of antiretroviral medicine needed for people with HIV/AIDS in Africa to survive - by comparing trivial items worth the same amount (a stick of gum, a smear of lipstick, etc). Source
May 24, 2010 - Watch The Lazarus Effect on HBO and YouTube - Hayden is supporting the work of RED and has made several appearances in recent weeks to promote RED's documentary 'The Lazarus Effect" which debuts on HBO tonight (May 24th at 9:00 p.m ET / 8:00 pm. CT). Hayden and other celebrities joined together in a PSA to make people aware that just 40 cents a day can help to buy much needed ARV medications to treat HIV/AIDS and transform lives in Africa. The PSA can be seen on several TV Networks including ABC, CBS, CNN and HBO. And as Hayden said last week on Good Morning America, you can help first and foremost by watching the film, getting the word out and buying RED.
"The Lazarus Effect film by (RED), HBO and Anonymous Content is a 30 minute documentary directed by Lance Bangs and executive produced by Spike Jonze. The film follows the story of four people who were at deaths door and were brought back to life thanks to access to treatment with 2 lifesaving pills that cost around 40 cents a day in Africa." Source
Where to Watch on May 24th
HBO at 9pm ET / 8:00 CT
YouTube - 9:30 p.m. ET / 8:30 p.m. CT
Channel 4 in the UK - 11pm GMT

May 23, 2010 - Genesis Code Updates - "The Genesis Code" has been added to Hayden's list of projects in development as "Optioned Property" on IMDb. Hayden has also been added to the cast list on IMDb Pro's entry for Genesis Code. Myriad Pictures is producing and Tove Christensen is listed as one of the producers. The movie has been shopped at the 2010 Cannes Film Market.
"Filmmakers: David R. Ellis - Director, John Case - Writer (based on the novel by), Kevin Bernhardt - Writer (screenplay), Tove Christensen - Producer, Kirk D'Amico - Producer, Alvaro Longoria - Producer, Michael Mailer - Producer"
May 23, 2010 - Red Alert - Adweek covers the efforts to help fund antiretroviral drugs by RED and the HBO premiere of the documentary 'The Lazarus Effect'. The Lazarus Effect can be seen May 24th on HBO at 9pmET/8c, YouTube and Channel 4 in the UK. You can find more information about how you can help at
"A new campaign comes just in time to spread the word about funding the fight against AIDS"
"Like most documentaries, The Lazarus Effect (its title was taken from the name of a similar print piece in a 2007 issue of Vanity Fair co-edited by Bono and refers to the biblical Lazarus rising from the dead) didn't have a distribution plan in place when the project began (though it later found a home as an HBO documentary film). But unlike most, this one was screened at MoMa to a room of famous faces. The approximate 400 "friends of (Red)" included co-founder Bono, a number of the 31 celebrity supporters from Hollywood and the fashion and music industries featured in a PSA about the cost of the antiretroviral drugs showing on HBO, as well as on ABC, CBS and CNN."
"As they arrived, celebs such as Gabourey Sidibe, Hayden Christensen, and supermodels Iman and Christy Turlington made their way down the red carpet and answered questions from the media, including a Facebook-facilitated live Q&A from those following the action online. As Bono discussed the work of the organization, officially described as "designed to eliminate AIDS in Africa," he proudly displayed samples of (Red) products he carried with him, such as Apple's (Red) iPod and a box of Nike (Red) soccer shoelaces." Read More... (Photos: Just Jared)

May 21, 2010 - Interview with K-OS - K-OS talks about meeting Hayden and about his song "I Wish I Knew Natalie Portman?" in an interview dated April 21, 2010.
"Has Natalie Portman ever heard your track "I Wish I Knew Natalie Portman?" I've never met her. But I do know when she came to Canada for a film festival a friend of mine who works for "Entertainment Tonight" in Canada, at the end of the junket he asked her, "Have you heard of K-OS?" He had this on film so he sent it to me. She was like, "Yeah, I have heard of K-OS." “Well, he has this song saying he wishes he knew you."
I ended up meeting Hayden Christensen on a plane from L.A., he's Canadian as well. He was like, "Yo man, I'm a fan of yours." And I was like "Dude, I'm a 'Star Wars' freak."
And we get to talking and he's like, "Do you know I used to listen to The Rascalz CD and Natalie Portman would come in my trailer -- The Rascalz are some friends I did a track with -- and she loved her song?" Way back when they were doing "Star Wars."
It's interesting, man. Music, even meeting Hayden, putting energy out there, who you want to quick it comes back to you. I think we already know who we'll get along with. If you like someone as an actor, they probably like your music. I think she's a fantastic actress." Read More...
May 21, 2010 - Hayden to Appear in K-OS Video - (via - In Hayden's interview on Good Morning America yesterday, he said he's been keeping busy and here's one surprise he's had up his sleeve. Fans will get to see Hayden in a K-OS video.
From Twitter
@koskhv - @MrHeller if Marty Mcfly tries 2 convince my past teenage self that Anakin Skywalker was in my video he needs this

May 20, 2010 - TV Schedule Updated Hayden's movie and TV schedule has been updated in the left hand column.
May 20, 2010 - Buy RED, Save a life! - Hayden visited Good Morning America today and talked about the RED Campaign and asked people to watch the documentary, The Lazarus Effect.
HAYDEN: "Just forty cents. Forty cents a day and you get two pills and it will take you from literally knocking on death's door to the very picture of health in forty days. So we did this campaign to tell people about the movie to sort of broaden the reach of the message and hopefully get as many people to watch this film as possible."
How can people help?
HAYDEN: "First and foremost watch this film cause the truth can be seen, not heard. So this movie is the truth and I think it will really get people motivated and inspired to just get involved. You can buy RED. It's such an easy thing to do. Just choose a RED product and you get the exact same thing. No extra cost to you and at least 50% of the profit will go to funding this medicine."
The Lazarus Effect film will premiere on May 24th on HBO at 9pmET/8c, YouTube and Channel 4 in the UK. You can find more information about how you can get involved and buy RED products at
Link to Larger video on - Hayden on Good Morning America for RED
May 19, 2010 - Real Life Hollywood Stock Exchange and Takers - No, not the HSX game of buying movie and actor stocks and bonds but the real Stock Exchange. Don't ask me to explain the stock market and don't ask me to explain the government's involvement but government hearings were held today where Hollywood had a showdown of sorts with Wall Street over "the potential sale of futures contracts linked to box office receipts of major motion pictures." Futures? Really?
Can you say "gambling". And that's exactly what Hollywood said too. One of the contracts in question....Hayden's upcoming project Takers due out this summer on August 20th.
Here's my own insider trading tip. Go to The Hollywood Stock Exchange (HSX) and sign up and invest in Hayden and all his projects. It's free, won't cost you anything and it's all in good fun. There was a time when people in Hollywood would test the popularity of upcoming movies based on how it did on HSX and maybe they still do.
Movie Time at the C.F.T.C. Draws Heated Debate
"The hearing on Wednesday centered on whether the commission should approve Cantor's and MDEX's first contracts. MDEX's contract involves futures and options based on the opening weekend revenues for the film "Takers," a movie about bank robbers starring the hip-hop music star Tip Harris, known as T.I., and Hayden Christensen. Meanwhile, Cantor's first contract centered on the four-week box office receipts based on "The Expendables," a movie about mercenaries starring Sylvester Stallone and Jet Li."
"Both contracts allowed traders to essentially bet on the amount of money the movies would make based on different time periods. If the movie made more or less money than the initial revenue level set by the contract, one side would collect money and the other would lose money. These would be so-called synthetic contracts, meaning that the traders would not own the revenues they were betting on, so they would be purely speculative." Read more.....

May 18, 2010 - The Truth is Out There - Leguizamo returns for 'Diary of a Madman' - In an interview today on La Jolla Light John Leguizamo spoke briefly about his upcoming projects including Vanishing on 7th Street:
"Yes, I just shot a brilliant film called "The Vanishing on 7th Street" by Brad Anderson with Thandie Newton and Hayden Christensen. I play a film operator at a movie chain. It's a very twisted, intellectual horror flick that brings up the premise: ....... You can read the rest at your own risk (which could be a spoiler) at La Jolla Light
May 18, 2010 - From The Shadow Chaser to The Genesis Code - A little script to screen trivia about Hayden's latest project The Genesis Code. Hayden is attached to Myriad Pictures upcoming thriller The Genesis Code but the project has gone through it's own genesis. The film was first announced in 2006 and was titled The Shadow Chaser in development at Myriad. Samuel L. Jackson was attached to star as Joe Lassiter the former NSA agent investigating the deaths of his sister and nephew in the film to be directed at the time by Thaddeus O'Sullivan. O'Sullivan also co-scripted with Peter Byrne, Jez Butterworth (Birthday Girl), Ian Rabin and Ron Shusett (Alien). Filming was postponed from Spring/Summer 2006 and was then presented again at the 2007 American Film Market with director Renny Harlan (Die Hard 2) at the helm. Myriad continued development of the property but there were eventually cast and script writer changes which brings us to current news of the project with David R. Ellis directing and Hayden now attached to the role. Check out the original poster with Samuel L. Jackson and todays teaser poster with Hayden a few items below.
IMDb has added a listing for The Genesis Code (2012).
2007 AFM Synopsis:
ACTION THRILLER A high-level security expert attempts to find the assassins who killed his sister and nephew and uncovers a conspiracy of biblical proportions.

May 18, 2010 - YouTube Video: Myriad Pictures talks Genesis Code at Cannes - Hayden's latest project, The Genesis Code, is being shopped at the 2010 Cannes Market currently in progress. Kirk D'Amico talks about the company's upcoming production slate and financing for films in today's tight financial environment.
Kirk D'Amico, CEO & President of Myriad Entertainment, a foreign sales company, tells Sharon Swart how his company has evolved over the years, and how they've become the kind of company who gets involved in every stage of a film.
He talks about last year's project (and party!) for MAIN STREET which stars Colin Firth and Orlando Bloom. He also talks about films that they're launching - including David Ellis's GENESIS CODE, which stars Hayden Christensen; and MARGIN CALL, which stars Kevin Spacey, Stanley Tucci, and Zachary Quinto. Filmed with Hub Culture on the Future Films yacht.
May 18, 2010 - YouTube Video: Hayden Playing Soccer at Gol de Letra - More video of Hayden playing soccer with the kids and co-founder Rai at Gol de Letra. Hayden admitted that playing soccer with combat boots was not the easiest, saying that if he would have had the proper shoes there would have been no problem.
May 18, 2010 - Myriad Pictures First Genesis Code Poster - Myriad Pictures has added a teaser poster for Genesis Code which also seems to have had the working title of Shadow Chaser, a title mentioned by Hayden in interviews while in Brazil. You can read the longer synopsis (Spoiler alert!) and also see one cast member listed, Samuel L. Jackson, which may or may not need updating. Check out the teaser poster below. Myriad Pictures

May 17, 2010 - Vanishing on 7th Street Production Still - Hayden Christensen and Thandie Newton face each other in an apparent tense stand-off in this latest production still from IM Global's Photo Gallery. The tavern shows a place of empty tables with drinks and clothes strewn everywhere, the only evidence of a once busy social gathering.

May 16, 2010 - VIDEO: Hayden Playing Soccer in Rio - Hayden was a real trooper playing soccer in combat boots but he was all smiles as he definitely looked to be having a lot of fun. Hayden visited the Gol de Letra Foundation in Rio de Janeiro which supports at risk youth. Rai, an international soccer player and one of the founders of the organization, was there playing along with Hayden. The kids gave both guys quite a work-out. Hayden had a little wardrobe malfuntion for the soccer match but gave it his all none the less. Click the picture below for the video.

May 12, 2010 - Hayden Christensen: Boots on the Ground in Rio - Hayden was out and about today in Rio de Janeiro visting the Gol de Letra along with Michel Lacoste. Hayden played soccer with the kids there and signed autographs. Gol de Letra helps with the education of young people living in difficult circumstances in the hopes of having better future.
Hayden later will attend the launch of the Lacoste collection at the Copacabana Palace with Michel Lacoste and receive 300 guests for the festivities.

Read More....
Story and Photos from Gol de Letra
Photos Gol de Letra - Soccer
Burno Astuto - Twitter Pics
O Dia - Photos
May 11, 2010 - Free Quantum Quest Screening May 15 - May 16 - Clark Planetarium will host two complimentary screenings of Quantum Quest 3D in the ATK IMAX Theatre this Saturday and Sunday, May 15 - 16, 2010. (# 110 South 400 West
# Salt Lake City, UT 84101-1145)
Quantum Quest 3D is a family-friendly animated film focusing on a photon named Dave and his heroic efforts to save his people, who are caught in a galactic battle between the forces of good and evil. The film takes a unique approach to science education by creating characters which embody scientific concepts and discoveries. The all-star voice cast of the show features such talents as Neil Armstrong, Samuel L. Jackson, James Earl Jones and William Shatner, [Hayden Christensen] just to name a few.
Seating for the screenings is available on a first-come, first-served basis and we recommended arriving at least 15 minutes prior to show start. After the film, audience members will be asked to fill out a short survey to help us decide if the show should be included in our theatre schedule. More Information
May 11, 2010 - Hayden Arrives in Rio de Janeiro - (McZ News) - [translated from Portuguese] "Hayden Christensen, Star of the saga? Star Wars? is already in Brazil. The heartthrob has landed in Rio de Janeiro around noon on Tuesday (11), the airport of Galleon. After a long journey, the actor preferred to stay at the hotel resting. To do so, he asked to prepare a particularly luxurious bathroom with imported treatment of one of the most exclusive spas in the world, the Swiss La Prairie."
The schedule continues with a dinner for eight guests, led by Michel Lacoste, Heir to the brand that bears his surname. It was the will of the actor to know the nightlife capital of Rio, but he preferred to reserve due to wear and tear of travel.
Very humorous, Hayden loved the goodies that the receptionist. In particular, the shirt of the Brazilian soccer team. For the first day of the actor in town, the care was folded by its production, but on Wednesday (12), the actor will have the chance to learn more about the River.
Hayden is in the country for the parade from Lacoste, Which takes place on Wednesday (12), at the Copacabana Palace. In their passage through the country, the American star has yet to know Christ Redeemer and Sugar Loaf. Source
May 11, 2010 - Myriad Shops Genesis Code at 2010 Cannes - The Cannes Film Festival and Market opens today and continues through May 23 with two of Hayden's projects being sold there. Vanishing on 7th Street is in post-production and almost ready for theatrical release and Hayden's latest project, The Genesis Code, seeks funding at this years market.
From Variety
"I think we are going to see a continued revival in the marketplace," IM Global's Stuart Ford [Vanishing on 7th Street] said. "But there are going to be relatively few new titles. There are fewer movies being financed. I'm talking to buyers, and they say there's not much out there. Quality titles are at a premium."
"Myriad Pictures will shop thriller "Genesis Code," toplining Hayden Christensen. It also will sell corporate thriller "Margin Call," starring Kevin Spacey and Zachary Quinto." Source

May 10, 2010 - Hayden Christensen and Michel Lacoste to visit 'Gol de Letra Foundation' - "Once he arrives in Rio tomorrow morning, Michel Lacoste, tennis player Rene Lacoste's son and owner of the famous French fashion house, goes to the Caju District with Canadian actor Hayden Christensen, his poster boy. The duo will be received by Rai in a visit to the Gol de Letra Foundation, chaired by the ace.
With 10 years of history, the organization is recognized by UNESCO as an institution and develops model programs in holistic education to over 1,200 children and adolescents. Lacoste is one of the biggest supporters of the Gol de Letra. Rai and Michel are known since the Brazilians played for Paris Saint Germain, France.
Lacoste has given up staying at the Copacabana Palace and, at the last minute, he asked producers to look after his visit to Rio to transfer his hosting to Fasano. In time, the parade takes place tomorrow night at the Golden Room of the World Cup." Source
About the Gol de Letra Foundation
Founded and presided by Rai and by Leonardo, former professional football stars, the Gol de Letra Foundation contributes towards the education of more than 1300 underprivileged children in the suburbs of Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro. In the difficult social context of Brazil, the aim of the foundation is to provide these children and young people, living in precarious conditions, with culture, balance and confidence so that they can improve their living conditions themselves.
The Rene Lacoste Foundation is supporting the Gol de Letra Foundation as part of the creation of a new Gol de Letra Foundation in Rio de Janeiro, in particular via funding for a project to cover the sports ground in the Caju district.
May 10, 2010 - Hayden is a Tourist in Rio - McZNews Brazil - Hayden arrives in Brazil on Tuesday May 11, the day before his scheduled duties as Lacoste Ambassador to help Michel Lacoste launch the brand in Rio de Janeiro. On his day off on Tuesday, Hayden will visit the most popular tourists spots in Rio de Janeiro. Hayden will tour Christ the Redeemer, Sugarloaf, and attend a dinner prepared in a traditional restaurant in Rio de Janeiro. Source
From McZ News
"Actor Hayden Christensen will not escape the package in its basic passing through Rio de Janeiro. Scaled for the parade of Lacoste, which happens on Wednesday (12) in the Hotel Copacabana Palace, the star has already booked all the tours are typical of a foreigner in the Marvelous City.
At the invitation of the heir of the mark Michel LacosteHayden arrives in Brazil to 14h this Tuesday (11). With the day off, will visit Christ the Redeemer and Sugarloaf, and attend a dinner specially prepared in a traditional restaurant in Rio de Janeiro. On his first visit to the country, it will be presented by a Brazilian national team."
"This time, it will not bring his girlfriend, actress Rachel Bilson. Hayden will be staying in a hotel in the south of Rio and back to Los Angeles on Thursday (13). Time: Among the famous confirmed for the event are the actresses Maria Fernanda Cândido and Julia Lemmertz."

May 9, 2010 - Hayden Signs Autographs at The Lazarus Effect Premiere - Not trying to promote the advertisement printed on the video or anything but it is fun to watch Hayden signing autographs.
May 9, 2010 - Happy Mother's Day - To all the visitors to Hayden Christensen Fan News, I wish you a very happy Mother's Day. I hope it is a very special day for all of you and your families.

May 9, 2010 - Genesis Code Press Release - You can read the full press release for Hayden's latest project at Hayden Christensen Fan News Blog
"FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE - Santa Monica, May 6, 2010....Hayden Christensen is on board for the lead role in director David R. Ellis' upcoming thriller THE GENESIS CODE, based on the novel by the same name written by John Case. The film's screenplay is written by Kevin Bernhardt. Myriad Pictures, who will co-produce the film, owns all rights worldwide, will be selling the film at the upcoming Marche du Film in Cannes." More...
May 8, 2010 - HaydenChristensen, Darth Vader from "Star Wars," comes the parade in Brazil - "Hayden Christensen, Famous for his role as Darth Vader from "Star Wars" comes to Brazil next Tuesday (11). The Canadian actor will be the special guest of the parade of summer that Lacoste is preparing for 300 guests at the Hotel Copacabana Palace in Rio on Wednesday (12)."
"Christensen, who is the poster boy of the Lacoste perfume Challenge, this time will not bring his girlfriend, actress Rachel Bilson, but will be well accompanied on his way here. It will be a tour guide Michel Lacoste, son of the founder of the brand, Rene Lacoste and a number of the company. Frenchman Michel is passionate about Brazil: it already had a house in Buzios, apartment in Sao Paulo and speaks Portuguese fluently." Source

May 7, 2010 - More Genesis Code Details - Synopsis - "The story follows a former national security expert, played by Christensen, who, while investigating the murder of his only sister and her young son, discovers that a religious sect called The Shadow of the Cross may be involved. With the help of his sister's friend Ana, they follow the clues to a clinic in the mountains of Italy, where a terrifying secret experiment has been conducted - successfully. The results are so threatening to the foundation of the Church that they will do anything to keep it from being revealed."
Production - Hayden Christensen is on board for the lead role in director David R. Ellis' upcoming thriller The Genesis Code, based on the novel by the same name written by John Case. The film's screenplay is written by Kevin Bernhardt. Myriad Pictures, who will co-produce the film, owns all rights worldwide, will be selling the film at the upcoming Marche du Film in Cannes. The producers are Tove Christensen, Myriad's CEO and President Kirk D'Amico, Michael Mailer and Alvaro Longoria.
"We are very pleased to have Hayden on board for this project," said D'Amico. "His passion for the character of Joe Lassiter and the world he inhabits - of religion, politics and secret operatives - was apparent to all of us involved in the project. It is this kind of commitment that we know will lead to a compelling performance." Movieweb
May 7, 2010 - Vanishing on 7th Street Going for Creepy in New Poster - The mystery thriller may be showing it's true face in the latest but official poster which is found on director Brad Anderson's website. "Fear Lives in the Dark" is the tag line which appears just above the chilling image of a screaming vanishing spectre-like face. Brad Anderson Films
Vanishing on 7th Street stars Hayden Christensen, Thandie Newton and John Leguizamo and is rumored to possibly be screening at the Toronto International Film Festival in September 2010.
Also on Brad Anderson's homepage a note that says: "VANISHING ON 7TH STREET...almost done..."

May 7, 2010 - (RED) Rings the Opening Bell for Nasdaq - From RED Blog - "It's been quite a week for us here at (RED). We kicked off The Lazarus Effect campaign, complete with a premiere screening of our new film "The Lazarus Effect' at MoMA in NYC with Bono, Iman, Gabourey Sibide and many others in attendance to show their support. And just this morning we had the amazing opportunity to ring in the opening bell for the NASDAQ stock market in Times Square. Our CEO, Susan Smith Ellis, and actor Hayden Christensen (who appeared in our campaign video) took to the NASDAQ podium early this AM, to talk about "The Lazarus Effect" documentary which will premiere May 24 on HBO at 9:00 p.mEST / 8c and on YouTube and Channel 4 (UK)." (RED) Blog

May 7, 2010 - Hayden Christensen set to Crack 'The Genesis Code' - Hayden has been cast in Myriad Pictures 'The Genesis Code'. Based on the book of the same name by John Case, the film revolves around a "former national security expert who is investigating the death of his sister and her young son. Clues lead him to a clinic in the mountains of Italy, where a terrifying secret experiment is being conducted".
The action thriller about genetic engineering which also involves a religious sect called the Shadow of the Cross is to be directed by David R. Ellis (Snakes on a Plane) with scripting duties going to Kevin Bernhardt (Jax of Heart) with Myriad Pictures (Factory Girl) in charge of sales.
Kirk D'Amico (Kinsey) of Myriad Pictures is co-producing with Tove Chirstensen (Vanishing on 7th Street) of Forest Park Pictures and the movie will be sold at the Cannes Film Market this month. Source
From the Book:
A phone call in the dead of night brings Joe Lassiter shattering news. His sister and young nephew have died in a fire in their home near Washington, D.C. Yet Lassiter soon learns a chilling fact: His loved ones were brutally murdered before the blaze was set. . . .
The mysterious suspect's identity only raises more questions. Then Lassiter uncovers another crime--another innocent mother and child murdered. The more he unearths, the larger the web of conspiracy grows, as his search for answers leads him on a dangerous international chase toward a truth that will shock him--and the world--to the very bone. . . .
About the Book's Author:
John Case is the pseudonym of an award-winning investigative reporter and the author of two nonfiction books about the U.S. intelligence community. A resident of Washington, D.C., he is the proprietor of a company that specializes in international investigations for law firms and labor unions. (From

May 6, 2010 - HBO and (Red) Premiere “The Lazarus Effect” at the MOMA - Rachel Brill - "After credits rolled, guests headed over to the Ace Hotel’s Liberty Hall for the after-party. On my way out, I saw that Hayden Christensen was surrounded by adoring fans asking for autographs. For more information on The Lazarus Effect and to find out how you can help, go to:" Source

May 6, 2010 - NASDAQ Opening Bell Photos - Hayden is pictured below at the ringing of the bell to open NASDAQ's day in New York City. Five more pictures in the HCFN Photo Album.
"Susan Smith Ellis, CEO of (RED) and Hayden Christensen, star of Star Wars films and this summer's "Takers," ring the NASDAQ Opening Bell to mark the beginning of the Lazarus Effect Campaign and to celebrate the broadcast of "The Lazarus Effect" documentary airing May 24 at 9:00 p.m. EDT on HBO."
"The campaign equates what the average person can buy with 40 cents from a stick of gum to a smear of lipstick to what the same amount would mean to someone with HIV/AIDS in Africa; another day of life transforming medication. The campaign features Bono, Hayden Christensen, Javier Bardem, Penelope Cruz, Iman, Claire Danes, Toni Collette, Hugh Jackman, Orlando Bloom, Gabourey Sidibe, and others. On May 24, 2010 HBO will present "The Lazarus Effect." The 30-minute film captures a series of true-life resurrections on screen ones that don't require a single act of magic or faith to make the miracle happen. Rather than miracles, "The Lazarus Effect" records the extraordinary, life-restoring effect of ARVs on HIV-positive Africans who, only a few years ago, would have never had a chance. Now they have hope." Read more...

May 6, 2010 - Video of Hayden at NASDAQ Opening - You can see the opening ceremony including introductions and Hayden's speech at NASDAQ. Sorry, there was no embeddable player.
(RED) and Hayden Christensen - NASDAQ VIDEO

May 6, 2010 - Hayden talks about RED at the NASDAQ Opening - Hayden Christensen and Susan Smith Ellis were on hand at NASDAQ for the opening bell ceremony today with a hopeful message and it wasn't about the future of the Stock Market. Hayden spoke about RED and the Lazarus Effect Campaign that will help get the word out that there is more hope than ever before in the fight against HIV and AIDS. Hayden explained how the campaign equates what just 40 cents a day can do to buy antiretroviral medications used to treat HIV and AIDS. RED's awareness and funding campaigns for the Global Fund help Africa and other countries hardest hit by the disease. Buying RED designated products by Apple, Gap, Starbucks, Converse and Dell and many others can literally save someones life. To find out how simple it is for you to help, visit Join

May 5, 2010 - Hayden on the RED carpet for Lazarus Effect Premiere - Hayden is shown in the video below at the premiere of the HBO and RED documentary The Lazarus Effect. Hayden speaks about how to help those with HIV/AIDS get needed medication to treat the disease.
May 5, 2010 - Why Hayden Supports The Lazarus Effect Campaign - Hayden spoke to Jo Piazza of about why it was important to him to help with RED's HIV/AIDS Campaign.
"Everyone wants to talk to Sidibe. Everywhere she goes. Which is why it took all my powers of the force to pull Luke Skywalker - Hayden Christensen - away from the Precious star for just a minute to chat about the film and his very personal reason for supporting the RED campaign."
"I lost my aunt to AIDS, just a few years ago. I'm trying to figure out right now what else I can do. We need to get people healthy and this is a treatable disease. RED gives consumers the ability to buy things to give their money to something positive It bridges the gap between consumerism and charity," Hayden told me. Source

May 5, 2010 - Hayden in Rio de Janeiro for Lacoste? - There are several articles and Lacoste tweets saying that Hayden will be in Rio de Janeiro with Michel Lacoste for the launch of the Lacoste Challenge collection. There is a question of the date since some articles say next week and others Oct. 12.
Lacoste parades in Rio with the presence of "Darth Vader"
The French brand Lacoste launches summer 2011 collection with a parade in Rio de Janeiro on Oct 12 [May 12]. For the event, will the actor Hayden Christensen, the young Darth Vader in the saga Star Wars and that is the poster boy Challenge Lacoste perfume. Hayden did not parade, but will be one of the hosts of the night next to the company's chairman Michel Lacoste, son of the founder of the famous brand alligator, Rene Lacoste.
It will be the first parade in Rio, but the second in the country. In 2008, to mark the 75th anniversary of its creation, Lacoste did parade in the building of the Oca in Ibirapuera Park in Sao Paulo. The theme of the summer collection is "Water and air bridge wins pier with lights in blue. The color also looks more frequent in men and women, also in white, others black and yellow.
The parade held at the Copacabana Palace for 300 guests. According to the company said, through his press office, the river is a strategic city and central to its expansion plans and will place the opening of the third store's own brand by 2012. Source and Source
O Dia - (5:05:10 to 1:01 a.m.) "Who arrives in Rio next week is Michel Lacoste, son of tennis player Rene Lacoste, founder of French fashion house, and now the name behind the brand. Michel is accompanied by the Canadian actor Hayden Christensen - the new face of a perfume campaign for the brand. The pair stays at the Copacabana Palace, where, on 12, Lacoste makes parade of his new collection." Source
May 5, 2010 - Hayden to Ring Opening Bell for NASDAQ - (RED) CEO Susan Smith Ellis and Actor Hayden Christensen to Ring The NASDAQ Stock Market Opening Bell on Thursday, May 6, 2010 - "Susan Smith Ellis, CEO of (RED) and Hayden Christensen, star of Star Wars films and this summer's "Takers," will ring the NASDAQ Opening Bell to mark the beginning of the Lazarus Effect Campaign and to celebrate the broadcast of "The Lazarus Effect" documentary airing May 24 at 9:00 p.m. EDT on HBO.
The campaign equates what the average person can buy with 40 cents--from a stick of gum to a smear of lipstick--to what the same amount would mean to someone with HIV/AIDS in Africa; another day of life transforming medication. The campaign features Bono, Hayden Christensen, Javier Bardem, Penelope Cruz, Iman, Claire Danes, Toni Collette, Hugh Jackman, Orlando Bloom, Gabourey Sidibe, and others."
Links to more information and info about where to find images and coverage of Bell Openings for the Stock Market can be found in the Press Release. Press Release
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May 4, 2010 - Seen and Heard at the 2010 Met Gala - "Harvey Weinstein hung out at the unofficial Costume Institute after-party at the Boom Boom Room, which is now being called Top of the Standard, until after 3 a.m. (In fairness, at that hour, the actors Daniel Craig, Sienna Miller, Jude Law, Paul Rudd, Ben Stiller, Elizabeth Banks, Malin Akerman and Zoe Saldana were all there too, though Ms. Saldana explained she was "about to turn into a pumpkin.") Earlier in the evening, Mr. Weinstein had joked to the actor Hayden Christensen that he was "staying out of trouble." "You know, she's pregnant now," Mr. Weinstein said, affectionately patting wife and Marchesa designer Georgina Chapman's belly. They've confirmed they are having a girl." Source
May 4, 2010 - RED Documentary Premiere for HBO in New York - Hayden attended the premiere of the HBO documentary "The Lazarus Effect" at The Museum of Modern Art on May 4, 2010 in New York City. Hayden is pictured with Alek Wek, Bono and Gabourey Sidibe. The Lazarus Effect documentary is film presented by RED and HBO and the subject of the PSA in which Hayden appeared to bring awareness of progress being made in getting HIV treatment to those in need.

May 4, 2010 - Hayden Christensen and Rachel Bilson at the Met - Hayden and Rachel represented a classic 50's style at the Met Costume Institute Gala in New York on Monday night. You could pick out 30's, 40's and 50's styles and beyond at the red carpet event that remembered "American Women: Fashioning a National Identity" at the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Click for the larger images below of Hayden and Rachel on the red carpet.

May 3, 2010 - Hayden and Rachel attend the Met Costume Institute Gala - Hayden and Rachel were in New York city tonight in attendance at the Metropolitan Museum of Art's annual gala. This year's theme was "American Women: Fashioning a National Identity". Hayden and Rachel were fashionably dressed for their night out with Rachel wearing Louis Vuitton. Check back for more updates.