MAY 2012
May 10, 2012 - Hayden Christensen Out and About in NYC - Hayden attended the Domingo Zapata "Life is a Dream" exhibit at the VC Gallery on Thursday. Thanks for Marcy for the heads up.

May 8, 2012 - Hayden Christensen Hiding in Plain Sight. - Hayden was spotted in the audience along with K-OS on Tuesday night's Late Night with Jimmy Fallon during the "Freestylin" with The Roots" segment. Hayden tried looking inconspicuous and ducked his Canadian Maple Leaf hat and hunched in his seat as Jimmy spoke to a nearby audience member but we still caught him enjoying the show.
Here is the link to watch the full episode on Late Night with Jimmy Fallon. Hayden and K-OS can be seen at 15:10 on the counter. Late Night Episode
According to K-OS and other sources Hayden has been involved with K-OS' upcoming Black on Blonde double album which should drop this summer. The BLack album will include Hip Hop Rythm and Blues and the Blonde album will feature live guitar Rock n Roll music. Sourcek-os @kosinception - Wiill be recording at 'Darth Vaders' house in L.A starting Mid January. Decipher it any-way - its the just the force though! 9:16 PM - 3 Jan 12 via web
HCFN Tumblr: Guest Post - k-os recordin music out there for a monster-size double album and supposedly Hayden's been helpin out since 2010. (February 1, 2012)