Happy Birthday Hayden Christensen!
Make a joyful noise and celebrate. Join fans in wishing Hayden the best birthday ever. Fans around the world have already started the celebration on Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr and Instagram and more. You can also leave birthday greetings and comments here. More information here: Hayden Christensen Birthday 2014

Hayden Christensen attends the Beijing Film Festival
Hayden walked the red carpet with the cast and crew of "Outcast" for the opening ceremonies of Beijing's 4th International Film Festival to celebrate not only Chinese cinema but the latest Chinese Co-productions and movies from countries worldwide. Attending the opening ceremony for Outcast were actors Hayden Christensen, Liu Yifei, Andy On, Bill Su, Coco Wang, Producer Jeremy Bolt, Director Nick Powell and Alan Zhang of Yunnan Film Group. Nicolas Cage who also stars in the historical drama could not attend because of scheduled promotion for his upcoming film "Joe". Interesting sidenote: Hayden's friend and American Heist co-star Adrien Brody was present for the closing ceremonies of the festival in Beijing. Pictures from the event below and more in the gallery.

Hayden Christensen in Outcast Sequel "Heir to the Kingdom"
BEIJING: A signing ceremony was held in Beijing a day before the opening of the Beijing International Film Festival to announce the Canada, French and China co-production sequel to Arclight Films and Yunnan Film Group's upcoming Outcast starring Hayden Christensen, Nicolas Cage and Liu Yifei. Outcast Producer Jeremy Bolt addressed an international audience about their determination to see a sequel completed. Hayden, co-star Andy On and Director Nick Powell were also called to the stage to join a large group of film makers. The sequel titled "Heir to the Kingdom" is now in development. See pictures below from the signing ceremony and a video with Hayden on stage for the event.

Hayden Christensen in Beijing to announce Outcast release and sequel.
Hayden was on hand in Beijing on April 16th for an announcement and the signing of a document of intent for another China, Canada, French co-production and sequel to Outcast. Producer Jeremy Bolt, Director Nick Powell, Andy On and Producer Alan Zhang from Yunnan Film Group also attended the press event which was held during the International Co-production Forum.
An early trailer of Outcast was presented before an audience that included directors Alfonso Cuaron and Oliver Stone, MPAA Chairman Chris Dodd and an international audience. Jeremy Bolt spoke breifly about the unique experience of filming a co-production in China and that Outcast will be released in September and October 2014.
Jeremy Bolt at Outcast Sequel Press Conference
“"We are planning a worldwide release, including the U.S. and China, in September and October this year," said Bolt.
Outcast "has been acclaimed by buyers, and we are determined to make a sequel," Bolt said at a public ceremony for the signing of an "Outcast 2" memorandum of understanding. ”
Hayden Christensen April Figaro Man Magazine Scans
Looking like a Rock Star, Hayden Christensen looks very cool in magazine scans from the April 2014 issue of Figaro Man China. A big thank you to Crysania from Hayden.C (China) for sending these beautiful scans. Click here to read the translated Madame Figaro article and interview.
1-Dressed in Burberry Prorsum, Diesel Black Gold, Ports 1961
2-Dressed in Emporio Armani
3-Dressed in Dior Homme, Karl Lagerfeld
4-Dressed in Dior Homme, Karl Lagerfeld
5-Dressed in Emporio Armani